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To contribute create a fork and clone your fork locally.

Install dependencies#

We use Poetry for managing dependencies.

poetry install

Install pre-commit hooks#

pre-commit install

Add a file that describes your PR in the project root.#

Release type: <patch/minor/major>


Generate tests cases files#

Go to tests/tests_codegen/ call with the desired testcases.


conan would generate cmake presets for IDE's usage as well. add the option test_core to build the tests for the core library. add the option test_gen to build the tests for the generated code. ```bash poetry run conan build . -o test_core=True -o test_gen=True


Run tests GraphQL server

poetry run python -m tests.scripts.tests_server
Run pytest, CTest is called from python and C++ tests are collected automatically.
poetry run pytest


Your changes require to update the docs? We use mkdocs-material

run poetry run mkdocs serve for a local server.